The Blog

All About Your Baby’s Food Allergies, Sensitivities, and Eczema
The terms “food allergy” and “food sensitivity” are often used interchangeably. This is because they both have some overlapping symptoms, which can make them easy to misinterpret. However, they each require vastly different management—meaning the steps you take for an allergy are VERY different than the steps you take for a sensitivity, both in the immediate and the long-term.

The Dark Truth About Baby Cereal
Iron-fortified grain cereal is still a leading recommendation for starting solids… even by most pediatricians, and even with today’s clarity about the importance of whole foods vs refined. Sadly, processed grain products aren’t the healthiest choice for anyone, let alone as a first food to properly nourish a developing baby.

How to Clear Eczema Naturally (and Why Topical Creams Alone Won’t Work)
Eczema is known as atopic dermatitis and it’s recognized by a patchy rash that’s red, dry, and often itchy. The typical approach to treating eczema is with topical creams. However, the rash itself isn’t the real problem that needs to be addressed. Eczema is actually an external symptom of internal dysfunction. The only way to fully heal your child’s symptoms is to address the underlying internal root cause of the issue.

The Dark Truth About Puree Pouches
Puree pouches are super convenient, they contain fruits & vegetables, and most importantly kids love them, but are they really a healthy option for your baby? They may seem just as wholesome as homemade, but unfortunately, that’s not the case… even with ‘organic’ on the label.

The Important Difference Between Choking, Gagging & Coughing in Babies
When starting solids with your baby, choking and gagging are always the biggest concern. Choking is probably the number one reason why parents don’t give baby-led weaning a chance and decide against introducing finger foods from the start. This is an incredibly important topic and I wanted to cover everything you need to know so you can keep the baby safe and have more confidence with solids.

How To Cut Banana Handles For Babies
Easier for little hands to grasp with less of a mess.

A Review Of Our First Month With Baby-Led Weaning
I was actually a little nervous to start Stevie on solids. Partly because exclusive breastfeeding is just so easy and starting solids meant an additional layer of responsibility as a mother. It also meant I could no longer deny that my little baby was growing up. But I was mostly nervous to see how she’d take to baby-led weaning. I’m such an advocate of the method… I’ve written blog posts declaring my love, taught seminars about it, and even created an online guide to help other parents benefit from the wonders of a self-fed baby.

5 Strategies For Feeding a Picky Toddler
The absolute best way to build healthy habits for your child is to begin as soon as they start solids. Offering a wide variety of textures and flavours right from the get-go helps to broaden their palate and encourages adventurous eating. When a baby or toddler is introduced to a new food and rejects it, it's important to continue reintroducing as it can take several attempts before a new food is accepted. If you have a picky child you may fall into the rut of serving similar and accepted foods time and time again, because they don't 'like' other foods. Although the less they're exposed to, the less likely they will be to explore different foods when given the chance.

Simple Elderberry Cough Syrup For Little Ones, 1 yr+
With all of the hands-on exploring and socializing that little ones do, it's easy to see why they commonly catch colds. One of my favourite immune boosters for children is elderberry syrup. It can help shorten the duration and severity of colds and flus, it's rich in antioxidants and vitamin C, and it's so easy to make. Unlike most store bought cough syrups, this syrup is free from chemical sweeteners, preservatives and artificial dyes, which have been linked to behavioral problems in children. It also tastes delicious so it won't be a battle to get your little one to take it.

Simple Banana Pancakes- Great For Baby
Featured on Ergobaby
Bananas are a great food for little ones. They have a soft texture and natural sweetness that babies love. Ripe bananas are easy to digest and provide needed energy for growing bodies.
We also eat a lot of eggs in our house. When my son was introduced to solids we started with egg yolks and waited to introduce the whole egg with whites. The yolks are where the most beneficial nutrients are found. They are stocked with B vitamins, healthy fats, choline, and the harder to obtain fat-soluble vitamins A & D.

Why We Love Baby-Led Weaning
Featured on Ergobaby
When my little one was ready for solid foods I decided to use the baby-led weaning approach. In this method, finger foods are introduced right from the start and purees are skipped altogether. It was a wonderful fit for my family and I believe it really helped our son establish healthy eating habits.

Bone Broth for Babies
I’ve already written about the incredible benefits of consuming traditional bone broth during pregnancy, but this nutrient-dense liquid is also amazing for babies! Unlike store-bought broth or stock, which is cooked for only 45 minutes to 4 hours, bone broth is simmered for quite a long time. As the broth simmers, nutrients leach from the bones, leaving you with a wonderfully nourishing and flavorful liquid.