The Blog
A Birth Story: Comparing 2 Cesarean Births
Shared by Oh Baby graduate, Morgan
Beautiful, empowering, positive, and magical. These are all things that Caesarean births can be with the right support. I have had two belly births and they could not have been further apart in terms of experience.

The Birth Story of Horia: A Cesarean Birth
Shared by Oh Baby graduate, Corina
I wanted to talk about my experience during last year’s April Cesarean month, but it was too soon after birth and I didn’t feel ready. I am happy to Oh Baby Nutrition has invited me to share my experience and I’m grateful for all the empowering content they convey. Because one thing’s for sure: all mothers need support, regardless of how they choose or have to give birth.

5 Organizations Supporting Black Maternal Health
This April 11-17 is the fifth annual Black Maternal Health Week. Systemic racism impacts marginalized people in many ways, and unfortunately pregnancy and birth are no exception. An absolutely terrifying fact is that maternal mortality rates are more than 3x higher for Black women compared with white women. Black women are also at higher risk of postpartum depression and anxiety disorders. This is one of the widest of all disparities in women’s health.

The Video of Stevie's Home Birth
Completely in awe of birth, I've spent countless hours immersed in the beautiful videos that women have graciously shared online. Getting a glimpse into these empowering births has been such a gift, and I'm so honored to have the opportunity to pay it forward. Stevie was born peacefully and powerfully into the water on August 20, 2016.

My First Meal After Giving Birth & A Recipe For Birth Broth
Nourishing food is one of the most important parts of postpartum recovery. I’ve never experienced hunger quite as I did in those first few days postpartum when my milk was coming in, but immediately after birth, it’s best to start slow with easily digestible and nutrient-dense foods. Think of foods you would turn to when recovering from the flu. As you can imagine, the organs in your abdomen are all going through a massive shift, and digestion can be compromised.

The Birth Story Of Linus
The thing about a second birth is that I had already experienced a birth before, so I somewhat knew what to expect. The other thing about a second birth is that you have expectations of what that birth will look like. But as we all know, no two births are alike, and the birth of a baby is a mysterious process, not to be interrupted with any of our own plans.

5 Energizing Ice Cubes to Make for Labor (& Morning Sickness)
I shared a post on Facebook about some simple, but very effective, coconut water ice cubes for labor that ended up being the most popular post to date. I wanted to write a follow-up blog to share more information with additional options because as I experienced first hand, you never know what scents and flavors will appeal to you during labor. So it’s best to have two or more of these different ice cube flavors prepped ahead of time.

Foods To Focus On In Each Trimester
Featured on Ergobaby. Pregnancy is such an exciting time, but it can also be a time full of uncertainty. Proper prenatal nutrition is essential for both you and your baby, but figuring out what to eat can be very confusing. There are so many decisions to make when you’re pregnant, but while you’re picking out baby names and decorating the nursery, it's important to make nutrition a priority as well.

The Birth Story Of Stevie Holland
It was August 19th, 2016, 2 days from the estimated due date of our baby. We were just leaving the house to meet friends at the beach when the first sensation hit me. It shocked me with its intensity and I told my husband, Jeremy, that I thought it felt like a real contraction and not primordial labor. He asked if I still wanted to go out and meet our friends. Our shoes were on and bags were packed, so I suggested we continue on with our plans and see what happens. It took us about an hour to pick up takeout for dinner and get to the beach.

My Third Trimester: Baby #2
The third trimester was undeniably my favorite with my first pregnancy, and it's proven to be very true with this pregnancy as well. I feel so much gratitude for my body... for making me my babies, for making me a mother. Even though this pregnancy has brought more challenges than my first, I’m sad to see it come to an end. Although I’m also getting pretty desperate to meet this little creature!

Refreshing Watermelon Slushy
On one particularly hot day recently, my husband said he was craving a Slurpee. He doesn't have a sweet tooth, so it was pretty uncharacteristic of him. I knew I could create something much tastier... and much healthier. This slushy is energizing and refreshing and the coconut water included contains electrolytes to help you keep hydrated in the summer heat. It also makes a fantastic virgin margarita for expecting mamas!

Oh Baby Birth Plan
The memories and emotions a woman associates with her birth experience can profoundly affect her for the rest of her life. I’ve decided to share the details of my ‘unofficial birth plan' (or more appropriately, my intentions). I’m certainly not promoting these as my ideals of a “better way to birth”, and these are not the birth practices that I think every woman should choose for herself. These are just the personal choices I feel are right for my body, my baby and my family. I advocate for informed choice in hopes of empowering women and helping them better understand their own rights in birth.

My Second Trimester: Baby #2
I had a hard time starting this second trimester review. I feel like I remember being newly pregnant… and then all of the sudden I was in the third trimester. What happened to the middle?! Unfortunately, I was still plagued with nausea and vomiting that I experienced in the first trimester. For “most people” this subsides in the second trimester, and I kept expecting it to…. waiting for it to... so badly wanting it to, needing it to.

My First Trimester & Morning Sickness: Baby #2
My first trimester was humbling, to say the least.
I actually won’t refer to my experience as having “morning sickness” because as many women can attest, the feelings of nausea are rarely confined to the morning hours. I could sometimes make it through the morning without getting sick but it always worsened around 6 pm, then I’d spend most evenings confined to the bathroom… miserable.

I'm Pregnant & Why I Decided To Share The News Early
It’s the social norm to wait 12 weeks, or about 3 months, to announce the news of your pregnancy. This is when the first trimester is over and the risk of suffering a miscarriage is greatly reduced. I followed this unwritten rule with my first pregnancy. With the exception of my immediate family, I kept the news from even my very best friends. I’m terrible at keeping secrets and I really hated every minute of having to keep that one.

What To Eat During Labor
Featured on The Tot.
Eating and drinking during labor, especially in the early stages, can provide you with the necessary energy and help you remain more comfortable. Labor is very aptly named because it is a physical task that requires both strength and stamina. Restricting your food intake during labor cause stress, nausea, vomiting, and headaches. Being properly nourished and hydrated can prevent you from becoming exhausted, which can prolong labor and lead to fewer contractions that are less effective.

How I Prepped My Body For Pregnancy
To call the changes and adjustments a woman’s body goes through during pregnancy "miraculous" would be a bit of an understatement. Although a miracle, the reality is that carrying a child through those 40 weeks does take a toll on your body in many ways. Not all pregnancies are planned, but having time to prepare yourself physically definitely provides many benefits to you and your baby, even long after birth.
The best things a woman could do to prep her body really varies for each person, depending on her starting point. Some important things to consider addressing would be….